//Feeling all the Feelings//

By 8:27 PM , , , , ,

This week I've been stuck in such a funk. An emotional, physical and just lame feeling moment of time. I am missing my best friend and sister a ton... feeling a bit lonely and not exactly knowing what to do about it. 

I'm a girl, so I've been emotionally all over the place as well. Sometimes, I just can't control it, no matter how strong and independent I am. 

Physically I've felt so drained. I only ran twice this week- and every morning have woke up exhausted. Today I felt my mood weighing... but this evening I made the call to spend some time with my sister and it did me a world of good. We went on an adventure to take some photos and it was good to spend time outside, with her.

We came back and I embraced my geeky self, watched the season finale of Sherlock season 2 for the second time... got choked up at the end, as well as frustrated that the new season is still a year or so off from airing in the US, finished an episode of Doctor Who (I'm so close to losing David Tennant and it makes me feel all the feelings!) And am now watching part of a Harry Potter movie.

Go ahead and judge me. Its okay. I'm a geek. But after a long week, these little things are at least bringing a little smile to my face. 

Praying that this week just feels a little different.

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