Goals and Projects
This has been a full week. Different morning classes, lectures, chores, activities and our very first art focus days.
I'm on the photography track on my DTS (if you hadn't already guessed) and so yesterday, the photographers all met to talk about our goals and schedule for the next few months. The two YWAM staffers leading our team encouraged us to write down three achievable goals for the next few months, having to do with our photography and the relationship of God within our art.
Then our assignment was to create three photographs that represented those goals. A touch abstract but a nice creative challenge.
I will do my best to share all three with you over the next few months, but here is my first one and how I am attempting to reach that goal.
At home in Ohio I am constantly pinning fun techniques or things to try, but I rarely get around to them. Here... I have the time and the purpose to work on them. There are some really beautiful (digital) double exposure compositions on the internet and I've always wanted to try my hand at some.
So, one of my goals was to create a series of digital double exposures with a common theme, thread or story. I'm not sure what that is exactly, but I had some fun playing around with my technique in Photoshop yesterday... something I haven't done in ages!
My beautiful team-mate and friend Julia was kind enough to pose for these.... (I'm still refining my technique, but I'm finding this quite fun and a good chance to think outside the box)
Beautiful photos! I love that it looks like flowers are blossoming out of her hair--looks somewhat nymph or dryad-like, in a Narnia sort of way. Glad to see you enjoying your time to play around with new techniques. :)