Out and About… Sydney Australia

By 3:50 AM , , , , , , , ,

Another Story by The Head And The Heart on Grooveshark

So- a lot of people have been asking for updates- what I've been up to etc… mainly, lectures… and more lectures. We are planning our outreach to Japan, which is exciting, and there will be so many challenges and stories there I know… but for now… more pretty photos from Christmas break in Sydney!

You can't go to Sydney, Australia without seeing the Opera House, correct? Crazy real life. Its one of those things you read about and see photos of in text books… but I don't think I ever really thought I'd be seeing it in real life. Surreal. Traveling, I think I love you. (I KNOW I love you.)

This is how I spent my Christmas Eve. Traipsing around Sydney with my two friends, and then we attended Christmas Eve service at Hillsong. In AUSTRALIA. What?!

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