Tokyo Fun: Starbucks, Ueno Park, and the Zoo
On Wednesday this past week we had a fun day as a team- a day off to hang out and see a few sights...
We went to Starbucks TWO days in a row. I know, I know, how very American/tourist/western of us. Yes. It was. But, as a few of us noted, it just made us feel a little homier. It was nice to be somewhere familiar, to see other foreigners, and to have the employers understand us. (at least, sort of.)
We also visited Ueno Park, the zoo, and the National Science Museum....
Yup, that's about as close as we got to the panda... oh well.
Otters are the best....
The Polar Bear was a total ham/show off, he entertained everyone for quite a while....
Red Panda!
So- most of you know I love the penguins... well, these were the MOST BORING PENGUINS I have ever witnessed....
...then I saw their name and understood.....
Yes. I do realize the irony of this. The first kangaroo photos I have ever posted, I took in Japan, not Australia. Get over it. Its not like there are kangaroos downtown Mitchelton or Brisbane.
Then, at the Science museum...