Christmas 2012

By 1:15 PM , , ,

(originally posted December 10, 2012)


Its only the tenth of December and I feel like I have a million and one things to accomplish before Christmas. This week is a flurry of officially starting to make presents for everyone, meeting with friends before the holidays (for dinner and presents and photos and catch-ups) practicing carols on the guitar for house church, attempting to make Nuttella cinnamon rolls, fit in some running, dye my hair, ship packages, make an awesome white elephant gift (and it IS awesome), DRESSING UP AND SEEING THE HOBBIT AT 12AM FRIDAY, finishing editing wedding photos, pack for a wedding and weekend in PA... and all of this while trying to maintain sanity and work 40 hrs. That's just this week. Cray-cray.
But amongst it all, there are so many good things. Things like talking to my sister for almost two hours on an almost perfect connection via Ichat. (Smooth video and clear audio, no delay- so amazing!) Sipping coffee and chatting with friends and then knocking out a crap-ton of editing on Saturday. My niece reaching for me when my mom was holding her. A last amazing night with my Team 1 band members at Apex, playing some of my favorite songs. Our glowing, sweet smelling tree and twinkle lights that make our house feel so cozy.

.... and most importantly, a sweet calm peace, when I should be feeling anything but. I'm so thankful for the grace of God that definitely surpasses any sort of understanding I possess.

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