Just Hanging Out...

By 5:06 AM , , , , , ,

Just laying in my bunk bed...(yeah, I'm in my late twenties and rocking the bunk bed- what of it? I'm living on the other side of the world, life happens.)

I am grateful for the rain that came this evening… cooling our temperatures from the 30s (Celsius, because that's how we rock in the Land Down Under, high 80/90s for all you Fahrenheit people in the States, but with intense sun, because Australia's sun is more intense than most places.) Last night we all were sleeping in our sweat in our respective beds, wearing as little clothing as possible and praying for a breeze. I know, this may seem mean to hear, especially since Ohio and the States have been having an intensely bitter winter… but I'm not so great with the awful heat. But still grateful to not be stuck in winter! Where is the land of eternal autumn, and where can I sign up for that!?

Right now, I am listening to a mix CD that my best friend/sister sent me with my Christmas present, working on photography stuff (blog updates, my flickr site) and planning out some ideas for tomorrow, as I was asked to lead our photography class. (nerd alert- I'm excited!)

Life here is funny. At times, its intense and crazy, and lectures and classes and information is being thrown at us 24/7, too much almost to handle. But then, there are long moments of feeling as though I don't know what to do with my time. Its strange to have stretches of free time, but to not be in your home environment with the things and people you are accustomed too.

In just two weeks, my sister will be here for five days- I am anticipating our visit, making lists and counting down the days. I haven't seen my sister since August, and even then, it was just for a short month. Her living across the globe puts a damper on sister-time.

In just four weeks, I will be heading with my small outreach team (there are just 5 of us) to Japan. We will be in Osaka and Tokyo for around 6 weeks, working with our contacts and ministering in any way needed.

I have so many lists, so many people I need to sit down and email, blog posts to catch up on, things that need to be done, plans to think of, travel plans to make for May, my future to think of… but right now, I'm going to turn in for the night. I will turn on my white noise app on my phone, place my earbuds in, my eye-mask on, and get some sleep. Its a full day of double lectures tomorrow, photography, errands to run, and attending a performance put on by our dancers in the evening.

So, for now, good night, (good morning for most of you!) I hope you all are well, please know that I am doing good. Enjoying my time, growing, learning, and figuring out this whole life thing, looking to God for direction and guidance.

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